New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse Ritual in Aries.
Aries is the first zodiac sign of the astrological year coming with the springtime and representing new beginnings.
Aries is ruled by fire, an element that gives us the energy and courage to get started and get things done!
The previous Full Moon in Libra, with a lunar eclipse, gave us the opportunity to let go of everything that is old and outdated in us, with Aries New Moon and total Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and pursue the dreams we created in Pisces.
Aries gives us the motivation to create the path in life that will help us fulfill our soul’s mission, sometimes finding obstacles and challenges, the energy of Aries allows us to keep going in the physical plane.
The total Solar Eclipse happening during this New Moon will be seen in all of North America, including Canada, US and Mexico, because of its intensity the day will become dark, bringing aspects of our shadow to the surface. It is important to remain grounded during the days before and after the eclipse, anchor in your spiritual practice, such as meditation and breathwork.
Eclipses are turning points in our lives, and often represent crossroads in front of us, they are portals for us to evolve to the next level of consciousness whether we are ready or not.
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